What is the Russian Blue Cat Price

Russian Blue Cat

Owing to the attractive looks, mild temperament as well as lack of grooming needs. It is not a wonder why the Russian Blue cat is one of the most popular breeds. Nonetheless, it is important to carefully consider all the factors involving the possession of a Russian Blue cat. It includes the very financial aspects that include not only the cost of buying the kitten but also all other expenses that may arise in the course of keeping the animal. This guide seeks to highlight some of the aspects related to the Russian blue cat price.

Initial Purchase Price

The Russian blue cat price will depend on several factors. It includes the factors of the breeder, the geographical factors as well as the pedigree of the cat. Russian Blue kittens can cost between $500 and $750 in the U.S. whereas such prices may be even more than $1000 in most countries in Europe, especially in the UK. Nevertheless, for cats belonging to superior pedigree or show quality, the prices of such down and even higher rarely below three thousand dollars.

This is not the case even though there is the same distribution of costs. Even without papers on hand, it is thus possible to adopt a Russian Blue cat from a shelter and this will not cost one an arm and a leg. Adoption fees in the case of a shelter commonly fall anywhere between the range of 100 and 350 dollars. However, it should be observed that locating purebreds for adoption in a shelter is quite a challenge. Once, these kitties were by the way rather common.

Factors Influencing the Russian Blue Cat Price

Breeder’s Reputation: 

Well-reputed breeders take care of the health of all the breeder cats and hence prices charged to buyers are usually high. This encompasses regular check-ups, vaccination of the cats, provision of good diets, and proper training. Most of the time breeders offer customers something more than just the animal. The attached papers such as breeding history and health documents constitute an added value to the sale.


Prices for Russian Blue cats are affected by their purchasing zones, this is due to demand and supply. For example, where a Russian Blue breeder is occasional there are high prices. Due to this, the prices in the U.S. are low compared to countries in Europe such as the UK.


Competition-bred Russian Blues with surrounding sceneries play a high cost for this kind of cat. They are likely to come with titles or awards at the same cost level that require them to be sold.


Adult cats will typically be priced lower than younger kittens. Cat prices will almost always fall as they grow older except those bred specifically for selling.

Ongoing Costs of Owning a Russian Blue Cat

After all the explaining going through the prospective owner’s routine buying a Russian Blue Tiger, the others are only just beginning. Like other pets, Russian Blues have costs that will come very soon especially if their health, proper upkeep, and treatment are to be maintained.

Russian Blue Cat Price Depends on Cost of Food: 

The Russian Blue requires good quality cat food to remain healthy. Depending on the brand, you may expect to spend between 20 to about 40 dollars per month for food. Treats can incur an extra $5 to $10 every month.

Cost of Veterinary Care: 

Some other services such as routine checkups and vaccinations or even preventive care for the pet are very necessary. Having an annual checkup can cost anywhere from $50-200 and even higher if a particular medical treatment is needed for your kitty.

Grooming and Supplies: 

The coat of the Russian Blues is short and heavy and thus grooming needs are not that extensive. Nevertheless, it is important to purchase a decent grooming brush and some basic grooming products. Getting example litter and grooming supplies can incur costs from $10 to $30 a month.

Other Variants and Those That Can Cost You: 

Miscellaneous Expenses include a bed, toys, and scratching posts, among other items necessary such as a litter box. These initial prot costs should also covered be from $ 50-100.

Reassessing Russian Blue as an Easy Way Out

One way of cost-effective alternative is buying such Russian Blue from other animal shelters. Animal shelters may charge in the range of about 100-350 dollars as an adoption fee subject to the policies of the shelter and the level of care taken. Adopting will help save on costs but one should be aware that all the cats adopted from the shelter are not likely purebreds and their medical record cannot be guaranteed.

Shipping and Other Expenditures

In addition to shipping and ocean freight costs, if you are sourcing a Russian Blue kitten from far away from a breeder, transport may also contribute to the overall cost. Such costs range from $175 – $250 depending on distance and courier employed.


Getting a pet cat, especially the Russian Blue can be very gratifying but one must be prepared for the financial requirements. The purchase price as well as the recurrent costs such as that for feeding, medical attention, and grooming may sink within no time. Nonetheless, clinical evidence supports that most of the Russian Blue cat owners regard the cost incurred including time together with all aspects covered as a merit for the happiness and entertainment gotten from the cat.

People are advised to do the appropriate research on the breeders. Check history to prevent them from being scammed after making a payment. Get the breeders to show the health checks undertaken, and look for a reasonable budget that would cover recurrent expenses incurred after buying the cat. However one acquires a Russian Blue be it from a breeder or from a shelter that would be a successful and nice breed to have in one’s home.

To end with, be prepared to spend from five hundred dollars to three thousand dollars. Russian Blue cat price depends on its pedigree and geographical area. In addition, there are neat to moderate expenses of fifty dollars to one hundred dollars of feeding, grooming, and health costs every month.


How much does it cost to buy a Russian Blue cat?

The price for a Russian Blue cat depends on the reputation of the breeder, the geographical region, and the cat’s pedigree. Typically, prices range from $500 to $750 in the U.S. For show-quality Russian Blues, the prices begin at $1,000 and can go as far as $3,000 depending on the ancestry of the cat. These first steps are cheaper, costing $100-350.

What ongoing costs should I expect when owning a Russian Blue?

With this type of cat, there are also expenses every month like taking care of the animal with a good quality meal which is about $20 to $40, litter on the other hand’s costs between $10 to $20, acquisition of some grooming equipment and regular check-up with the vet $50 to $200 in a year. There are, on the other hand, extra costs like those of toys and other such basic items.

Can I adopt a Russian Blue from a shelter?

It is rather possible to adopt a Russian Blue with purebreds being in shelters but not frequently. Depending on what part of the USA a person is located in, it is expected that the price range for adopting a cat goes from $100 to $350. Shelter cats may not come with a complete medical history, however many come already spayed or neutered and vaccinated which makes it easy for the caretakers as they will not have to incur additional expenses in those areas in the beginning.

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