Cinnamon is a beloved spice in human cuisine, known for its warm aroma and numerous health benefits. However, when it comes to cats, the relationship with cinnamon is far less straightforward. This article dives deep into whether cinnamon is safe for cats, what forms are toxic, and how to protect your furry friend from harm. In this article, we will discuss the relationship between Cinnamon and cats.
What are Chinamon and Coumars?
To understand whether or not it is safe for cats to consume cinnamon, it is important to understand what cinnamon and its two types contain. Starting with what cinnamon is, it’s a spice that comes from the inner bark of evergreen trees that belong to the “laurel” family. In this case, it is important to understand the types of cinnamon. The first type is known as “Ceylon cinnamon” which is often called “true cinnamon” and is lower in coumarin. The second type is known as Cassia cinnamon. It is more known in the reel and has higher levels of coumarin. Cassia has higher levels of this cookie which can be unsafe in the long term. According to past studies, increased amounts of cinnamon lead to blood thinning along with liver damage and should be avoided by cats.
General Guidelines about Cinnamon and Cats
Looking at the above statement, the spiced consumption of cats should be limited to ensure their well-being. Cinnamon is a beloved spice in human cuisine, but cats are not built in a way to process the compounds found in cinnamon easily, which includes coumarin. Considering these facts, veterinarians have advised a clear cut: no cinnamon for cats if you want them to live a happy life.
Why Cats Are Considered Weak?
Felines do not produce certain enzymes in the liver (glucuronyltransferase). They are necessary to metabolize many essential oils, and aromatic and inactive compounds present in the cinnamon spice. This deficiency in enzymes means even minute exposures can prove to be toxic or irritating. Furthermore, the respiratory system of a feline is much more highly sensitive, meaning that breathing in either the powdered or oiled form of cinnamon is detrimental.
Types of Cinnamon and Their Dangers
Cinnamon Powder
Risk Level: Moderate
While such small traces might not affect goods that have been cooked, coming into contact with or directly ingesting cinnamon powder can be unsettling for the stomach and intestine of your cat. Besides this, the powder might get into one’s lungs and cause breathing problems.
Cinnamon Sticks
Risk Level: Low To Moderate
There are dangers that arise from chewing on sticks coated with cinnamon, including the risks of choking and having the mouth and throat irritated. Additionally, swallowing wood fibers from the sticks has the potential to harm the digestive tract as well.
Cinnamon Oil
Risk Level: High
Cinnamon essential oil is an effective remedy for numerous ailments, but it is harmful when dealing with cats as it leads to some form of cruelty as it is damaging and very potent to cats. The chemical burns, difficulty breathing, and significant toxicity are just some of the adverse effects a cat can face. Too much oil on the skin also leads to severe burns.
Baked Goods Containing Cinnamon
Risk Evaluation: High
Bakery products soaked with cinnamon are even more detrimental. Besides having cinnamon, they are known to contain sugar, butter, chocolate, or xylitol.
Symptoms of Cinnamon Toxicity in Cats
In case you believe that your cat has ingested cinnamon or has come into contact with its powder, look for the signs below:
- Gastro – Vomiting, diarrhea, excessive drooling, or reduced appetite
- Pulmonary – Coughing, wheezing, labored breathing, or sneezing
- Cutaneo – Redness, swelling, or burns where the cinnamon touched the oil or powder.
- CNS – Tremors, seizures, or extreme drowsiness.
- Faucial – Swelling of the throat and lips, and trouble swallowing food.
The signs appear suddenly and over several hours. It would be advisable to seek veterinary attention.
Cat Owners Might Have Concerning Cinnamon
1. Is There any Reason Why I Cannot Give my Cat a Spoonful of Cinnamon?
It is very unsafe for cats to eat a spoonful of cinnamon. Even in small quantities other than a quarter can cause more problems than many.
2. Is it okay if My Cat Sits Near me while I Eat Cinnamon?
It should not, in cases where too many cinnamon sticks are brought into the room. The cat’s respiratory system might be obstructed by the smell and may require an air scrubber.
3. Is it True that Cats Can Detect the Scent of Cinnamon?
The case is that cats can sniff cinnamon, although they will never enjoy it. To begin with, the classic scent is likely to irritate their nose and cause sneezing and other forms of discomfort for the feline.
4. Do Cats Have Any Reactions Towards Cinnamon?
Cats do not suffer allergic reactions to cinnamon as humans do. Of course, there is a chance of sneezing a lot or even having a skin rash now and then.
5. Why Shouldn’t My Cat be Near any Cinnamon?
The oil or powder form of the spice is known to be harsh on the respiratory health of cats, so it’s safe to keep them far from it.
Cinnamon in Everyday Scenarios
Cinnamon Rolls and Cinnamon Toast Crunch
Are these safe? No, there are several reasons why these specific items should never be fed to cats. Such as other things like butter and oil which are a definite no. In addition, these types of food contain loads of sugar, and also, possibly, chocolate or raisins which are poisonous for cats.
What if my cat ate a cinnamon roll? If you suspect toxicity, such as vomiting, lethargy, or drooping head, consult your vet.
Cinnamon Brooms
As a cat owner, you might be worried about the risk your pet might consume a couple of harmful particles. Decorated brooms, used for freshening up air, help with scents, however strongly so, that they affect your cat’s respiratory system.
Cinnamon Oil Diffusers
When diffusing cinnamon essential oil in the home, it should be avoided as it is detrimental to a cat’s respiratory tract. This is mainly the reason why cinnamon oil diffusers should not be used in the house.
Does Cinnamon Keep Cats Away?
Cats dislike the smell of cinnamon and might avoid places that are sprinkled with the spice. While some people may claim that the strong smell may drive cats away, it is more likely that it will cause long-term damage to their respiratory system. You could also use aluminum foil, citrus peels, or pet-safe sprays as deterrents instead.
Cinnamon-Coloured Cats
A cinnamon cat is a coat color which is also referred to as “cinnamon”. A few breeds of cats such as Abyssinians and Oriental Shorthairs are cinnamon coloured. It is a reddish-brownish hue. A cat’s coat would be warm and reddish brown due to pigments. However, this has nothing to do with the spice.
What to Do if Your Cat Consumes Cinnamon?
The following steps should be taken if it is believed that a cat has consumed cinnamon:
- Remove the source: Make sure to clear any sources of access so that your cat cannot reach the cinnamon again.
- Monitor for symptoms: Symptoms one should look for are vomiting, diarrhea, and signs of discomfort.
- Contact a vet: You should inform them about how much cinnamon was ingested and what type it was.
- Don’t induce vomiting: Under no circumstances should you decide to induce vomiting in your cat unless under the direction of the veterinarian.
Best Substitutes for Cinnamon
If you wish to make the atmosphere comfortable or you wish to give your cat a treat, then here’s what you can use in their place:
- Catnip: It’s a classic that’s a favorite among most cats; in fact, it’s safe and has stimulating effects as well.
- Valerian Root: This is yet another herb that is safe for cats and has a relaxing effect.
- Cat-safe air fresheners: There are certain products available that are specifically for pet owners; look out for those.
As beneficial and as harmless as cinnamon is for humans, it can be very harmful to a cat. It should be noted that respiratory issues and even poisoning could be the result of this particular spice. That’s why it must always be kept away from cats. The fact is whether in baked goods, powder, or oil form, the spice shouldn’t be used where there are cats present to avoid any discomfort for them. In this article, we discussed Cinnamon and cats.
At the end of the day, you can use cinnamon for your purposes while protecting your cat. Remember, if you feel your cat’s had contact with cinnamon then do not waste any time and get them the help they need.